The Capricorn Group on Wednesday released its annual Social Value Report which precedes the release of the group’s Integrated Annual Report and annual financial results for 2023, which will be released on 14 September this year.

In a media statement, Capricorn Group Executive of Brand and Corporate Affairs, Marlize Horn stated that for the period ending 30 June 2023, the group – Capricorn Foundation, Bank Windhoek, Capricorn Asset Management, Entrepo and Bank Gaborone – invested N.dollars 21.7 million in social responsibility programmes and projects in Namibia and Botswana.

“The group’s Social Value Report reflects its corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach and philosophy. It outlines the CSR activities and impact during the past financial year, specifically emphasising the 32 projects supported by the Capricorn Foundation,” Horn stated.

She said as Capricorn Group, they are socially responsible and obliged to their stakeholders.

“The work we do is more than just about paying an invoice. We consider the Namibian CSR landscape to understand the key role players, what socioeconomic challenges are being addressed, and where we can work and collaborate with partners,” Horn stated.

Meanwhile Capricorn Group Chairperson, Gerhard Fourie said: “As the private sector, we have a crucial role in spurring economic growth and development. We are strong advocates for collaboration, and during the past year, we experienced the power of like-minded organisations from various sectors working together to find solutions for common problems.”

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

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