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Deputy Minister Thembi Siweya unveils brand-new studios at Ligwa FM 101.3 Community Radio Station, 3 Mar

The Deputy Minister in the Presidency Ms Thembi Siweya, to unveil the brand-new studios at Ligwa FM 101.3 Community Radio Station

On Friday 03 March, The Media Development & Diversity Agency (MDDA), led by the Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Ms Thembi Siweya, will unveil the brand-new state-of-the-art broadcast studios at Ligwa Community Radio Station 101.3 FM. The event will also mark the celebration of two MDDA funded community print and digital projects Khanyisa News, and Zikode Bulleting. All of these community media projects are based in Ermelo, Gert Sibande District Municipality and Msukaligwa Municipality, Mpumalanga province.

The Ligwa Community Radio station was established in 2014 and was registered as a Non-Profit Organization in 2016. It was founded by the late Mr Makhosini Ndaba partnering with community members in electing the board of directors. Ligwa FM adopted its name from being placed in the area around the upper reaches of the Vaal River, which in local vernacular languages are named,iLigwa (Sindebele),Ikwa or Igwa (isiZulu),Ilikwa (siSwati),Lekwa (Sesotho) or cuoa by the Khoikhoi, all referring to the plain river traverses.

Furthermore, the DM in The Presidency will also celebrate the two MDDA funded community print and digital projects, Khanyisa News and Zikode Bulletin. Khanyisa News was launched in September 2007. It is a bilingual Small Commercial Newspaper publishing 50% English & 50% isiZulu/isiSwati mix, currently the project distributes 10 000 copies per week. Zikode Bulletin is an online publication which was registered in 2020 and has set up its online operation currently sharing office space with another MDDA beneficiary: VOC FM (Voice of the Community Radio).

The new state of the art studios will elevate the quality of broadcasting, making it appealing to potential partners and propel Ligwa FM 101.3 to greater heights. It will also be a first for the MDDA to also mark the launch of two community print and digital projects concurrently with a studio launch.

The unveiling of State-of-the-Art Studios is scheduled as follows:

Source: Government of South Africa