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Transmission key component of stabilising power supply: Ramokgopa

Minister in the Presidency for Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, has reiterated the urgent need for the building of transmission lines to unlock thousands of megawatts for the grid from new generation capacity.

‘The major problem is transmission issues. We need to modernise and expand transmission by over 14 000km. To put it into context, in the past 10 years, we only did 4 000km. So, this 14 000km is to enable new generation capacity [to connect to the grid].

‘If we had sufficient transmission capacity in the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and Western Cape, the grid would have the benefit of over 11 000MW,’ the Minister said on Tuesday.

The Minister was speaking during a panel discussion at Ninety One’s annual Infrastructure Forum held in Johannesburg on Tuesday. Ninety One is a global asset manager with emerging market roots and a commitment to developing specialist investment teams.

Ramokgopa said the amount of renewable energy that can be released is ‘healthy’ however, challenges persist.

‘The pipe
line is healthy, with over 66GW that is there. We have already identified the corridors that must be prioritised, and we know out of those corridors, we can get 2 300MW.

‘The intervention really is less on the transmission lines and the pylons. It’s about increasing the size of the sub-stations. Once we do that, we know we can get the benefit of that 2 300MW,’ he said.

Meanwhile, a statement issued earlier this month after President Cyril Ramaphosa convened a meeting with members of Cabinet and senior business leaders said the work underway within the National Energy Crisis Committee (NECOM) and the implementation of the Energy Action Plan is starting to bear fruit.

‘Load shedding is down by 61% compared to the same period last year, with the return of units at Kusile power station, as well as new generation capacity from rooftop solar and private sector investment having a positive impact.

‘Reform of the energy sector is progressing, with an independent board appointed for the National Transmission Compa
ny of South Africa (NTCSA) and preparations underway for the new entity to commence trading,’ the statement said.

READ | Ramokgopa sets sights on accelerated transmission line expansion

Load shedding

Meanwhile, Eskom has ramped up load shedding to Stage 3 during the evening and Stage 2 during the day.

‘Due to the loss of three generating units and the delay in returning a further three generating units to service, Stage 3 load shedding will be implemented from 4pm today until 5am on Wednesday. Thereafter, Stage 2 load shedding will be implemented until 4pm.

‘This alternating pattern… will be repeated daily until further notice. Eskom will closely monitor the power system and provide an update should any significant changes occur,’ Eskom said.

Source: South African Government News Agency